Wednesday, 12 July 2017 12:59

Volume 13, Issue 2

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MSD welcomes you to another edition of MSD 4 U – April to June 2017 Newsletter which features the following:

Special Points of Interest:
  • Emortelle Software As A Service- Saas
Inside this issue:
  • Software as a Service - 1
  • MSD New Website – 2
  • 2017 Management Training offered by MSD - 3
  • Administrative Professional Week – 3
  • Mrs. Y. Bobb’s academic achievement – 4
  • Mr. Timothy Crandon – 10th Work Anniversary - 4
  • Mr. Dil-Solomon Jagassar – Excellent Customer Service – 4
  • We Like to ‘Run Like Yuh Running’ - 5
  • Table Tennis – MSD’s Staff Fitness Club - 5
  • Staff Easter Breakfast - 5
  • Top 4 Upgrades For a PC - 6
  • I’m the one whom Jesus loves. - 6
Read 5732 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 July 2018 13:51

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