ATM Online (Supports ISO8583 Messaging standard): is an added feature \ module to our flagships products Emortelle and IBOS, it allows users to effectively manage the On-line ATM processing on the system.
Once this feature is turned on, the organization would be receiving transactions via ATMs and Point-Of-Sales system automatically and the members’ account would reflect this activity.
The ATM on-line processor is an authorizing and transaction-processing module designed to respond to electronic transaction requests from ATMs conforming to the ISO8583 financial messaging standard.
The on-line module requires no user input and produces no screen output, all output is stored in a log file. The module is invoked automatically as and when required, responds to requests and writes resulting transactions to Members Ledgers and General Ledgers.
The on-line module can handle multiple simultaneous requests from several ATMs and other Electronic Terminal Devices via an ISO conformant Switch.