Emortelle Update


MSD is pleased to present the new Emortelle logo!!!

This logo will be used in all future versions of Emortelle and we are so excited to give you this peek.

The blue represents intelligence, trust, communication and efficiency and the teal references the fact that future versions will place more emphasis on cloud hosting. The new colour blend promotes our personality and uniqueness whilst retaining true to form industry-recognised blue within our brand. We believe the colour teal being a mixture of blue and green truly represents us - a strong IT company with fresh innovative ideas and the promotion of a sustainable environment at its core

We would have indicated in earlier publications that development work had commenced on our next generation Emortelle CBS Version 10. This web-based version will be a game changer with its fresher-look GUI, multiple database options, data replication and server driven processing to name a few. It was therefore important that a new logo accompany this new innovative application.

As an update to this, we are pleased to advise that we have largely completed development and have been engaged in testing since January using external resources. We are now in a new phase of certification using internal resources and will be seeking to place in a beta test environment at a Financial Institution within the next quarter. Additionally, we have completed data replication and this has been implemented in an in-house test environment using a MySql database.

We look forward to providing more updates on this version to you soon.

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