At MSD’s “Financial Applications for Leaders Forum” held on the 24thJuly 2019 at The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Commerce, the President of the Board of Directors of Guaymay Energy Alliance Credit Union had this to say "Guaymay Energy Alliance Credit Union had its genesis back in Guaymay is a Credit Union with over $220 million in assets and a membership of over 7,700… we have touched the lives of our members, their families and the community in which we operate in some significant way…. I am proud to say that MSD has partnered with us on this journey and has contributed significantly to our success."
MSD seeks to have all our clients be our advocates by providing them with a high level of service and technologically-sound and relevant products. Building brand advocacy is a continuous process and our clients can be assured that we are always striving to meet their changing needs – and the changing needs of their customers – so as tostimulate and perpetuate growth and to improve and enable our client to provide seamless positive experiences to their customers.

As shared by Ms. Susan Nurse - General Manager, PSCU Credit Union - in her message at the Forum, when they switched from our CUMIS system to another application, things did not go as expected - "[The new] acquisition caused major delays in providing services to our members and was challenging operationally for staff because the application was unable to output the necessary information in an efficient and effective manner." MSD is indeed pleased that, after conducting comprehensive research for the right software solution, PSCU "discovered that Emortelle provided most of the key features, and so we acquired Emortelle v9.1"
As Mr Colin Bartholomew, Senior Lecturer and Head of Co-operatives Studies at the Cipriani College of Labour and Co-operatives - a keynote speaker at the forum said "by 2020 a customer will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise without interacting with a human, making it imperative that the right tools and direction be provided to customers". MSD is well positioned to enable you, our clients, to fully meet your customer’s changing needs through a Emortelle’s suite of online services including Internet Banking and smartphone apps.
We appreciate the impact the technology is having on your businesses and your wish to build and create your own brand advocates so, as we move together into 2020, we at MSD will continue to listen to you, anticipate your needs and respond with innovative relevant offerings.